4th of July Reminder

Independence Day is just around the corner!

Friendly reminder that our Nature’s Select offices will be closed and our teams unavailable on Tuesday, July 4th for Independence Day.

If you plan on heading out of town for the long holiday weekend on vacation, please be sure to place your pet food order ahead of time!

We recommend placing your order no later than Friday, June 23rd to ensure delivery on or before Friday, June 30th.

Pet food orders received after that date we cannot guarantee arrival before the 4th of July holiday weekend. Easily order online with your Local Nature’s Select Distributor by finding their website here, or order on our Amazon Storefront today!

As a good rule of thumb, we recommend having a back up pet food supply for your dog sitter, for your emergency kit, and/or having a small 5 lb bag of dog food on hand for easy travel for road trips.


Pet Firework Safety


Protect Your Pet’s Food Bowl