In Memory of K9 Puskas
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our dear friend, Puskas, retired K-9 of Santa Ana Police Department. He was truly one of a kind and he was the best police dog we had the privilege of getting to know over the years.
We had the honor of providing Puskas and the Santa Ana PD K-9 Unit with healthy pet food, but truly got to know him and his handler, Officer Luis Galeana, after his epic suspect takedown of February 2018. Watch the video below!
We became close with them both and had the special honor of filming his day in the life "Santa Ana PD K9 Ride Along" video, watching him both on and off duty. Puskas worked hard on the job, but also enjoyed his special downtime time spent with his family and loved ones. It was a great joy to be able to see Puskas & Luis at local events in and around Orange County, and getting to participate with the Orange County Police Canine Association to give back to these amazing police dogs. Puskas officially retired from the police force in October 2019, and got to enjoy the last few years of his life relaxing with his family at home.
In May of 2018, Puskas was recognized as the OC Hero and given the Animal Welfare Hero Award by the American Red Cross.
Puskas was recognized as an OC Hero by the American Red Cross and awarded with the "Animal Welfare Hero Award" in May of 2018. He is truly a remarkable animal, and more than just a dog in our eyes. He is a hero, and he dedicated over 7 years of his life serving the local Santa Ana community. We thank him for his service, it's an honor to know both him and Corporal Galeana. We hope his bravery and legacy are recognized and remembered for many years to come. We proudly support police officers and their canine companions and are so lucky to be able to help sustain K9 pet health through proper nutrition and personalized service.
Whether on the job or off, this dynamic duo made a great team for Santa Ana Police Department.