New Years Resolutions for Pets

Happy New Year! We can’t believe 2021 is already here. Did you know that pets can pick New Year's resolutions, too? If your pet needs a little help finding some ideas, we put together this list to help you out a bit. Check it out below - we promise it will make you smile.

New Year's Pet Resolution Ideas

  1. Go on more daily walks

  2. Chase more balls

  3. Play outside more often

  4. Take time to smell the flowers...and sniff everything else for that matter

  5. Eat more tasty treats at any chance I can get

  6. Stay out of the trash, don't chew my master's shoes, etc.

  7. Find new cozy spots for nice naps

  8. Learn a new command to show off to my friends

  9. Follow squirrels to see where they go

  10. Get more belly rubs and love on my humans as much as possible

  11. Lay in bed longer / Sleep in on Sundays

  12. Resist the urge to bark at the mail man or delivery driver

  13. Make lots of new friends at the dog park

  14. Wag tail more often

  15. Eat a healthy pet food like Nature’s Select!

Happy New Year! Cheers to 2021 - May it be full of health & happiness. If you are looking to improve your pet’s health this year, we encourage you to discover the Nature’s Select Difference today through our all-natural pet food. Give your dog the gift of good health all year long!


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Happy Holidays