KTLA Interview for Rescue Dog Day
Watch our interview with KTLA to discuss National Rescue Dog Day!
Customer Spotlight: Kingman
Say hi to Kingman! He's a 3-year-old Chocolate Lab from Kingman, AZ. He was donated to the Huntington Beach Fire Peer Support Team by the Patriotic Service Dog Foundation. Kingman goes to work as a Peer Support Dog with his handler, Kane and they work their shifts together.
3rd Annual Holiday Toy Donation
Come with us as we head to OC Animal Care for our 3rd Annual Holiday Toy Donation for our shelter pet friends!
As Seen in the Media: KTLA 5
Check us out on KTLA 5’s “Off the Clock” Segment from June 2021! Local Dog Food Company Gives Back to Community
International Guide Dog Day
Happy International Guide Dog Day! Learn about our friends at the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind as they celebrate their 75th anniversary.
Santa Gives Back to Pets
We partnered with Santa Paws to help give back to rescue pets in need.
Police K9’s Prefer Nature’s Select
We are proud to support police officers and their K9 companions.