Enjoying the Beach Safely with You Pup
We are sharing our top safety tips for the dog beach in order to protect your pets while you enjoy some beach fun together.
Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer
Summer months are full of heat waves and warm temperatures. See below for some simple precautions that will keep your pet cool throughout the season!
Firework Safety for Pets
It's that time of year again! Fireworks are EVERYWHERE and your pets are acting strange and scared
5 Activities to Celebrate the First Day of Summer!
When summer rolls around you might dream of weekends at the beach, family vacations, or maybe simply enjoying a relaxing evening breeze on your patio as you sip on something refreshing. What about your dog?
Canines & Cocktails Ep 8
In this episode, Paul & Megan discuss proper feeding guidelines for your dogs as you enter the summer months.
5 Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer
With the heat rising as we enter the hottest months of the year, it’s crucial to keep your pups cool, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have any fun! Here are six ways to keep your pups cool and happy through the dog days of summer.
How To Help Your Dog’s Seasonal Allergies
A dog’s allergy symptoms are generally similar to those experienced by us humans- the immune system overreacts to one or more offending substances, which leads to itchiness and irritation.